Customer Feedback

    Prior to working with Conceptual Innovations...
    Please describe the challenge or issue that needed to be solved?*
    Prior to working with Conceptual Innovations...
    Was this a new application or an improvement of an existing application?*
    Prior to working with Conceptual Innovations...
    What other equipment had been considered, tested, or used before HaloDrive Pods?*
    What benefits were achieved with HaloDrive Pods? Please describe each of the following if applicable.*
    Has a Return on Investment or other financial assessment been conducted to evaluate the monetary impact of HaloDrive Pods*
    How would you rate your experience working with the team at Conceptual Innovations? 1-Poor through 5-Excellent*
    How would you describe the technology used in the HaloDrive Pods? Please be as detailed as possible.
    How likely are you to recommend or call on Conceptual Innovations to help with future industrial material handling mobility solutions. 0 - Not Likely, 10 Very Likely*?